2024 Summer Break Away Registration

Additional Attendees

If yes, please notify us by 5/10/2024 so that someone from the SCAFP Office can contact you in order to receive services.


The registration fee includes the continuing medical education (including the Opioid Prescribing course), online syllabus, access to the Exhibit Hall, Refreshment Breaks and Continental Breakfast, Mix & Mingle Lunch and Installation Luncheon.


Registrant ticket COMP - ticket must be requested. No Guest tickets available.
Family Fun Night - Friday
Select the number of adult and child tickets for Family Fun Night.
Must be an SCAFP Past President to attend.
Installation Luncheon ticket is free for registrants. If you need additional adult or child tickets choose the ticket quantities below.

Payment Information

CANCELLATION POLICY: Refunds, minus an administrative fee, will be made upon written request to the SCAFP office if received by May 11, 2024. After that date, no refunds will be given.

LIABILITY RELEASE: By hitting 'Register' I waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages I may have against the SCAFP, its employees and representatives, for damages incurred during the course of this meeting realizing that the SCAFP staff has taken reasonable precautions to ensure my safety.