New APRN Law Resources

The S.C. General Assembly has enacted legislation, S. 345 (Act No. 234 of 2018), amending the S.C. Nurse Practice Act and the S.C. Medical Practice Act as they pertain to practice by Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (“APRNs”). The new law, which takes effect on July 1, 2018, requires that APRNs continue to practice in conjunction with physicians. Instead of the current protocol, the new document that is required is a written practice agreement meeting the requirements of the new law.

To assist our members in having practice agreements in place by the July 1 effective date, the Academy is making available a template to provide a framework or starting point for developing the required practice agreement.  The template contains headings, indicating the statutorily required contents of a practice agreement, with explanatory language in italics to assist with understanding that particular requirement of the new law.  The template is accompanied by a memorandum providing additional information to help with utilizing the document.  The template is intended to be used to tailor the practice agreement for a specific working relationship between an APRN and the physician, taking into account the practice setting and the education, training, and experience of the APRN.

SCAFP members may access the template and memorandum, prepared by the Nexsen Pruet Law Firm that represents the SCAFP in legislative matters, by using the links below:

SCAFP Member Memorandum

Practice Agreement Template

FAQs on APRN Law

Note: If you are also an SCMA member, you will be able to access the information through the SCMA website. 

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